HUCK! Teams and the schedule for Fall League have been posted, thank you for your patience.
Player Expectations: In light of recent events at HUCK games we're reiterating expectations for all participants in an effort to curtail dangerous play and unspirited behavior.
1. Spirit of the Game is to be observed at all times. As a league participant you are expected to treat both your opponents and teammates with fairness and respect.
2. Player safety is paramount at HUCK and the leadership group reserves the right to remove participants from individual games and/or the league as a whole for dangerous play. A dangerous play consists of any action taken which puts the physical well being of another player in jeopardy including, but not limited to, contested catches in the air, layout bids, poaches, running through picks, overly aggressive marking, etc. Excuses such as "I didn't see them" or "I was just trying to make a play on the disc" are not valid, if you cannot control your body on the ultimate field then you don't belong in HUCK.
3. Alcohol and drug use at the fields is strictly prohibited per Newington Parks & Recreation. The HUCK leadership group strongly discourages the use of alcohol or drugs before games in an effort to promote player safety and spirit of the game.
4. No pets are allowed on the field at any time.
5. Clean up after games. Take your water bottles, clothing, chairs, etc. home with you when play has ended.
6. Leave the field in a timely manner. Someone from the leadership group has to lock up the field once games have ended, that person also wants to go to the bar or go home, please be considerate in this regard.
Late Registrations: Late registrations will be processed after the first night of games are over. We are in particular need of additional women to fill out rosters so if you know of a female who wishes to play please encourage them to email
See everyone tomorrow night!
- The HUCK leadership group
Visit our website at
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